Rebuilding Global Markets through Technology

Simplicity | Excellence | Outsourced

We are building better ways of working

Bridging the digital divide through skills & technology

How will your business navigate the digital transformation age

A better economy anchored in business and technology

How can we use technology in building a better functional economy

Next generation skills and the future of human beings

How does the future of work look like and what are the skills of tomorrow

The Diwani Way

Crucial to the businesses successful development, execution and enablement of the enterprise wide organisational strategy stems from the strategic management of technology spend costs in generating fresh ideas and solutions that will bring about the business model to stealth innovation and transform the enterprise through their information broker expertise.

Post pandemic impact and sustainable future business strategies

Post pandemic future proof business strategies

Enterprise resilience frameworks, crisis proof and inclusive future ways of work 

COVID-19 Enterprise resilience business frameworks

Featured insights

Industries who can greatly benefit through technology and the concept of innovations

Business Processes and how we can align them to achieve business strategic objectives

The DNA of new organizations and the fueling strategies behind their success

Prioritizing innovation as the key driver to business growth and transformation

Mission 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you enable business for innovation?

We prioritize Business strategy as an enterprise architecture's top priority. Agile infrastructure being a key strategy in setting up the foundation for scalable business growth. SOA and BPM unifying information silos for business visibility. Integrated converged infrastructure as an effective solution for BI on big data. Organized IT playing a role to effectively addressing a variety of business needs. 

What is the future of cloud computing?

It is anticipated that a decade from now, every business will be operating primarily from the cloud, making way for more flexible — yet more productive and efficient — ways of working. Hardware won’t be the problem in a decade but software will therefore giving more ways to creativity among software development companies. What is now a ‘budding’ challenge will be full-blown problem in 10 years’ time: the ability to leverage the collective knowledge created in these silos regardless of which service you’re using in the moment. 

We’re already seeing fragmentation of content and data and it’s posing problems related to organization, search, discovery, and most importantly, collaboration across people/industries/offices/regions/etc. It is important to note that all organisations and their operations from a Business, Data, Application, Integration and Platform perspective should assess how ready are they to Cloud Transformation as they go about their way of work. 

Insights on next generation technology skills?

Transform and enable your enterprise wide strategy and innovation through next generation skills and emerging technologies. 

Why is it important that the business strategy aligns to the IT strategy?